Monday, August 29, 2011

Mess Management Monday #7: Spice Cabinet

Okay for those of you who are keeping track- there is no #6.  I forgot about one of my early MMM posts, and have decided not to go back and renumber.  This is the seventh post- therefore it will be #7!

My spice cabinet is perfect- well, perfectly placed, and pretty well stocked.  Aside from that, it is a MESS!  Well, it WAS before I got inspired!

Source: via Lisa on Pinterest

No, it isn't mine. I HAVE shown this to Prince Charming, so maybe, one day, if I keep my fingers crossed. Just a bit of inspiration!  The jars in the picture are from IKEA- I have no idea whose this is, so if it is yours please let me know, and I will give you credit.

I always kept my spices on the lazy susan- isn't that what it's for?!  And I would struggle to find that one that got shoved to the center, and spin, and spin, and ... well, you get the idea.  Something would always fall off the back and get lost, and then EVERYTHING would have to come out to find that one lonely spice.  Oh, and I HATE greatly dislike the double-decker lazy susan.  This used to be one, but I took it apart when I kept loosing spices in the middle!

Now, all of my spices are in glass jars I got at Hobby Lobby (glass is 50% off this week- yay!).  I got the smaller size for my standard spices, and the larger jars for whole spices and spices I buy in bulk.  My lazy susan was put on the top shelf to hold all the big bottles of stuff, including the vegetable oil, now I just have to give it a little spin and can easily get what I need!  I can fit 10 large jars under the shelf, and 18 small jars on the little white risers.  I have labeled all the jars with my label maker.  If you do this figure out how the jars will fit best before labeling, I ended up switching the labels from front to side several times before getting everything in the right place.

Spices I use more often in the front, and spices I use less often in the back.  I know you are wondering why there are two lonely jars in the bottom shelf- so much wasted space!  But don't worry, I bought all the jars they had at Hobby Lobby and they are ordering more especially for me!  If they don't come in this week, they will still be the 50% off price- yay!  I am also keeping rice in this cabinet just so it is easy to get to- we eat rice several times a week.

I have many more plans for this cabinet.  The first is something like this:

Stay tuned for more about my spice cabinet!


  1. Just saw your printables on tip junkie and they are great but I am in LOVE with that first picture of the spices. Could you imagine?! I like the spoon idea too. Great stuff new follower can't wait to see what is next and poke through some oldies. Have a blessed one!

  2. I saw the first picture and thought "wow! Someone has more spices than me! LOL" Then you said it wasn't yours. Wouldn't that be GREAT???

    I love what you did with your spices though! I too have been using a lazy susan (double layer) for my spices, but it takes up so much room and like you I seem to lose things in the middle. I just bought an organizer for my spices this weekend and am planning on an organizing day for those as well! I like the measuring spoons and cups on the back of the door. Great idea!

    Living in an RV I am constantly on the prowl for space saving ideas!

  3. My space in my cabinet is not as big as yours and wondering if changing to glass jars will be more manageable than the stupid plastic ones with varying sizes that may or may not fit in my lazy susan.... hmpphh

  4. @The New Witty's
    PS. Your cabinet looks very neat and proper. Yay you!

  5. Great job, I need to clean up my spice cabinet. I'd love for you to stop by and link up to my Share the Wealth Wednesday Link Party! I'm your newest follower!

  6. Spices are so hard to find aren't they! This looks so organised well done :)

  7. Um. Genius! I never liked JUST the spice step things because what about all the space above it and just a shelf didn't give me enough tiered options that didn't just waste space. Why didn't I put them together before????

    I LOVE your inspiration picture. My one concern about having spices out in the open (even though they look pretty) is that they can lose their flavor quicker when exposed to sunlight.

  8. Very lovely. I like the spoons on the door - nice touch. I'm a new follower from Homework's blog hop. Have a good day!

  9. Looks fantastic!

    I have the same measuring cup organizer picture pinned for my winter to-do projects. I'll keep checking back to see how your version turns out!

  10. I linked your lovely post to my friday finds post today! Come and check it out:

  11. Nice job! I'm loving that inspiration photo, too! Thanks so much for linking it up to the Tuesday To Do Party! Can't wait to see what you've been up to this week!

  12. I so need to do some organizing in my kitchen
    come see me at

  13. Looks good! :) I love the measuring spoon/cup idea. :)

  14. Putting the little step risers on top of the shelf riser is brilliant! I've used both, but never together. I like the cup/spoon idea too, but I don't know that you will like the curved cup hooks. They might be hard to get off. Somewhere I've seen a cup hook type thing that is square instead of curved. It comes out and then goes up just a bit. It's easier to get things on and off of it. I found you through Made By You Monday!

  15. I should do that--would make me want to cook more :)

  16. this looks great! i seriously need to do something like this - my spice cabinet is like a black hole!!!

  17. What a fabulous idea! My spice rack needs some attention...yes, I'm one of those that has all the wrong spices fall onto the counter before I locate the right spice! Thanks for the inspiration. Visiting from Inspired by You Wednesdays.

  18. hmm...might have to do this with my pantry. this is amazing! thanks for sharing!

  19. Can you come organize my life? You are absolutely amazing at organization I could really use you! Thanks so much for sharing your inspiration with the Pink Hippo Party.. can't wait to see what you organize next!


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